CHIRON Festival of the Arts and Environment '18

Sun Dec 2, 2018
11:00am to 12:15pm ET
Age: All
Price: $20 adult / $10 child-senior / under 3 for free
The Mark O’Donnell Theater


In this ‘The Phantastic Theater’ production, symphonic music pours through speakers as illustrative art flows on screen. Dance, puppetry and voice acting participate in vivid storytelling as world-class musicians, such as star of the Metropolitan Opera Jennifer Roderer and flutist/ composer Robert Dick perform virtuosic music integrated into the production!

The production also features the World Premier of Doctor Kaufman’s thrilling cinematographic ballet, Dancing NIght Hawk, (an original story inspired by Native American Myths).

Brilliant concert artists then perform solo piano works, opera scenes, and works featuring the world-famous sound world of Robert Dick.

The performance ends with the premier environmental work, Hudson Valley Music, which features sound sculptures created from hundreds of natural sounds, video, virtuosic performances from concert artists and readings from such as John Muir, William Blake and Chief Seattle.

Finally, Emmy-award winning composer and steering committee leader Joe Carroll takes a break from sailing the seven seas to speak with the audience.


** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.