Winter Story Walk

Wed Dec 30, 2020
1:30pm to 2:30pm ET
Age: 6-8
Price: $18
Alley Pond Environmental Center

This interactive walk begins at the front of the APEC building (dress appropriately). Traverse the trails, stopping at various stopping points to gain a deeper knowledge of animals in the forest, how they adapt to winter, and how they react to finding a snowman in the woods!

Animal ambassadors await kids back at the Center, for a memorable afternoon.

This program will be held primarily outdoors, so kids should be dressed for the weather.

Participants are required to wear masks for the entire program.

Space is very limited. Register in advance.

Note: While we are trying to promote safer activities that occur outdoors or with social distancing guidelines in place, please keep your family and others safe by always wearing a mask and maintaining appropriate distance. If you arrive at an event that appears too crowded, try using the “nearby” search feature on our event calendar to find something else to do.

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.