Welcome to the Edge!, Math and Financial Literacy with FiCycle

Wed May 8, 2019
6:30pm to 8:00pm ET
Age: 12+
Price: Free
National Museum of Mathematics

How do financial applications make math even more fun and engaging?  And what does the popular Edge FX exhibit in the Museum have to do with the stock market? 

FiCycle founder Andrew Davidson takes math fans on a tour of the interconnected worlds of math and finance. Stick around for a dessert reception after the program for a chance to mix and mingle with Andy and the FiCycle team and learn how they are leading the way in improving the nation’s math courses by tying them to the practical purpose of solving financial problems. 

Parents, students age 12 and up, educators, math enthusiasts, and math advocates are all welcome. 

Register at edge.momath.org.

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.