The Rubin Museum's Virtual Block Party

Sun Sep 20, 2020
12:00pm ET
Age: 6 and up
Price: FREE

The Rubin Museum’s annual Block Party goes virtual this year! Inspired by the Rubin’s yearlong exploration of impermanence and the symbol of the lotus, this year’s Block Party reminds us that beauty can emerge from even the toughest conditions.

Activities include:

  • intimate studio visits with visual artists in the Himalayan region and diaspora, including Tsherin Sherpa, Sneha Srethsa, Tenzin Phuntzog, Yakpo Collective, and Uttam Grandhi
  • art-making projects for all ages led by YindaYin Coaching
  • guided mindfulness practices with Day Schildkret, Reimagine, Kate Johnson, and New York Yoga + Life Magazine
  • interactive classes with performing artists Brooklyn Raga Massive and Ajna Dance
  • performances by Sonam Kids and Asian American Writers’ Workshop
  • spotlights on activism and advocacy with India Home
** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.