Santa and Little B: Zoom for the Holidays

Sun Dec 20, 2020
Various times
Age: 4-11
Price: Free

TDF presents a special virtual holiday experience for families with children and adults on the autism spectrum and all families who would like to be a part of this accessible, inclusive family friendly holiday event. 

Little B, a puppet, wonders if the holidays will still happen given the pandemic. She reaches out to Santa the way any child would in 2020 - through Zoom! Little B asks Santa a few questions about what the holiday season will be like and shares some of her wishes.

Audience members are encouraged ask Santa questions in the chat window during the zoom. The event ends with an accessible singalong with captioning which includes Broadway holiday favorites.

This event is free and suitable for all ages and inclusive of all winter holidays as we celebrate the season together.

Register online to participate in this Zoom. Space is limited.

1pm Eastern, 12pm Central, 10am Pacific 


** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.