Mirror, Mirror

Tue Oct 2, 2018 - Fri Nov 9, 2018
- see all dates
Repeating every days through November 9, 2018.
Various times
Age: All ages
Price: FREE
5 Manhattan West

Mirror Mirror features two of Daniel Rozin’s iconic interactive sculptures that combine the dexterity of robotics and computer vision to create incredibly curious and engaging artworks. 

Each mirror that Rozin creates is grounded in the gestures of the body and becomes complete when activated by the viewer.

Penguins Mirror is comprised of 450 plush penguins performing a choreographed dance of pirouettes on tiny stages. The artist-developed software that instructs the penguins to twirl in unison, their black backs or white bellies are exposed to emulate and mirror the viewer’s movements at a rate of 15-20 times per second. The result is a smooth, real-time “pixelated” amination.

In stark contrast to the Penguins Mirror, Selfish Gene Mirror looks into the Neo-Darwinistic theory described in Richard Dawkins’ book “The Selfish Gene.” The theory proposes that evolutionary change is caused by “selfish genes” whose sole motivation is to propagate in the gene population. Similarly, in the piece, the genes are visualized as tiny color lines that compete in their success at adopting the color of the likeness of the viewer. The result is a colorful effect resembling watercolors that spread throughout the screen perpetually laboring to update the image of the viewer.

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.