Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science - 10:00 AM
Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden - 10:00 AM
Plantation Walk - 5:00 PM Pick
Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science - 10:00 AM
Tinez Farms - 10:00 AM
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Journey to Freedom: The Underground Railroad and Abolitionists
This Juneteenth, Queens Historical Society celebrates the emancipation of the enslaved African Americans. QHS honors this day in memory of the pioneer abolitionists and in support of the freedom and justice that have been delayed for black people.
This program puts participants in the shoes of an abolitionist, opposing the practice of slavery. The abolitionists helped slaves who were trying to escape to freedom through the network known as the Underground Railroad. People aiding in the escape efforts were known as conductors. They would take in those who needed help along the way and provide food and shelter for the fugitives.
The workshop teaches audiences about the different groups that helped fight slavery in Queens, as well as how Queens County played a role in the nation’s long path to establishing the 13th Amendment. Students collaborate to decide how to tackle the challenges faced by the pioneers and draw out inspirations from a broader range of historic figures.
Register for this event online.
2:30pm Eastern, 1:30pm Central, 11:30am Pacific