Free Webinar: College Application Process & COVID-19

Tue Jun 9, 2020
6:30pm to 8:00pm ET
Age: 15+
Price: Free

While the COVID-19 crisis has changed nearly everything in our lives, the benefits of long-term planning for the college application process remain as clear as ever. Taking time to adjust is important, but when it comes to the college process, no one wants to fall into the trap of taking too much time.

Join for a free webinar on how the college application process is being affected by COVID-19. Some things have shifted, and some haven’t changed at all. The webinar will be led by Colin Garretson, the Head College Process Strategist with support from college process tutor Claire Siebers. They’re both experts on everything related to the college application process and there will be time dedicated to a question-and-answer session with them.

During the 90 minute webinar, Colin and Claire will cover things like standardized testing delays, virtual campus visits, how to determine best fit, how to bolster activities during social distancing, and sampling college courses via MOOC platforms.

This past year, the company has helped the class of 2020 gain acceptance into Columbia, Stanford, Cornell, Williams, CalTech, Rice, Vanderbilt, Emory, Michigan, Tulane, SMU, and Wisconsin, to name a few, with many of them being accepted in EA/ED rounds.

Attendees of this seminar will receive discounts on upcoming multi-week seminars geared toward the college application process.

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.