Flushing Town Hall at Home

Sat Apr 25, 2020
Various times
Age: All ages
Price: FREE

Flushing Town Hall’s dedicated Teaching Artists are offering online classes in the new series “FTH at HOME: Global Arts for Global Kids.” 

The series of arts education will run Tuesday through Friday, and culminate in an online family matinee performance on Saturday. Each day participants will enjoy short videos of music or dance and post-lesson activities will be available online HERE and live on Facebook page and Youtube channel each day at 2 PM EST. Participants are also encouraged to post short video clips of themselves learning on Facebook and tag FTH facebook page @flushingtownhall. 

Here’s how to participate:
1. Before starting, please check this link for a pre-lessons family activity sheet.
2.Tune in to the Facebook page (www.facebook.com/flushingtownhall) or Youtube channel (www.youtube.com/flushingtownhall) for a live session:
2pm Eastern
1pm Central
11am Pacific.
Not available "Live"? You can still find all videos on the FTHwebsite 
3. After each video lesson, check out the post lesson family activity sheet

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.