Breathing Pavilion

Thu Mar 18, 2021 - Tue May 11, 2021
- see all dates
Repeating every days through May 11, 2021.
Various times
Age: All ages
Price: FREE
The Plaza at 300 Ashland

Artist Ekene Ijeoma's Breathing Pavilion is made up of a 30-foot circle of 20 illuminated inflatable columns, which slowly modulate in brightness to illustrate a deep breathing technique designed to bring calm.

Sit or stand around the pavilion, syncopating your breath with the lights and attuning yourself to a shared rhythm.

Masks and social distancing required.

Breathing Pavilion will also host a weekly series of site-specific performances. All performances begin at 6 pm and are drop-in (no RSVP required). Rain dates will be subsequent Fridays.

3/23: Kalia Vandever, Trombone (rain date 3/26)

3/30: Melanie Charles, Flute (rain date 4/2)

4/6: Joel Ross, Vibraphones (rain date 4/9)

4/13: Baba Don Babatunde, Percussion (rain date 4/16)

4/20: Neil Clarke, Percussion (rain date 4/23)

4/27: Lakecia Benjamin, Saxophone (rain date 4/30)

5/4: Participatory Drum Circle led by Mr. Fitz of the Brooklyn Music School (rain date 5/7)

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.