Beginner’s Guide to Watercolor Painting for Teens

Fri Sep 8, 2023 - Fri Dec 22, 2023
- see all dates
Repeating every week — Fridays through December 22, 2023.
4:00pm to 6:00pm ET
Age: 9-13 years
Price: From $80/2-hour class or Sign up for full class course curriculum at discounted rate
Creatively Wild Art Studio

Watercolor painting is a versatile medium that can be used to capture landscapes, still life, and portraiture. This medium has a translucent light feel and is perfect for rendering emotion and atmosphere. In this relaxing class, teens explore this pigment in varying techniques and methods: wet on wet, dry on dry, underpainting, gradient, color blending, layering, and dry brush applications for cool effects.

This is a wonderful class for teens interested in painting practice and refining skills. Work with your own subject matter (photos or pictures of things, places or people that inspire you) or your tutor will provide. You can also work off still life objects. Perfect for beginners to intermediate students.

For Teens ages 9-12 yrs

Time: Fridays 4:00pm-6:00pm

  • FALL I 8 Wks SEP 8- OCT 27

  • FALL II 7 Wks NOV 3- DEC 22

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.