Beginner’s Guide to Painting Acrylic, Watercolors + Oils

Sun Sep 3, 2023 - Sun Dec 17, 2023
- see all dates
Repeating every weeks through December 17, 2023.
11:15am to 1:15pm ET
Age: 9-13 years
Price: $80 single day class
Creatively Wild Art Studio

If you are new to painting, Creatively Wild's beginner course will serve as a great intro to all the different paint mediums: Acrylic, Watercolor, and Oils. All three paint mediums have very different application processes and different elements and can achieve very different results.

Teen students learn how to choose their own subject matter according to their interests and the potentiality for a great painting. Subject matter can be rendered from a photo or image (a portrait, a photo or a cityscape) or take inspiration from a still life object (fruit, flowers, household objects etc). After you pick your subject matter, you can best match it with the appropriate medium that serves it best. Your subject matter will look very different in a watercolor rendition as opposed to Oils or Acrylic. In this course, your instructor will demo a wide range of brush applications and techniques as well as go through color mixing and working with textures to interpret features, light, shadows and values. This art class is fun and educational, suitable for absolute beginners or for enthusiastic painters who want more time to work on their art aside from school.

For Tweens ages 9-12 yrs

Time: Sundays 11:15am-1:15pm

  • FALL I 9 Wks SEP 3-OCT 29

  • FALL II 7 Wks NOV 5- DEC 17

  • Single Day sign up offered for all dates

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.