Beginner Oil Painting for Teens

Thu Sep 7, 2023 - Thu Dec 21, 2023
- see all dates
Repeating every week — Thursdays through December 21, 2023.
4:15pm to 6:15pm ET
Age: 12-17 years
Price: From $80/ Single 2 hour class or sign up for full class course at discounted rate
Creatively Wild Art Studio

In this full class course, learn how to create original finished oil painting(s) on canvas using personal subject matter, working from your preferred imagery, which can be photos of people or places, animals, or things that inspire you. Participants will experiment with different painting styles- and you can choose to work in realism or explore a more abstract interpretation of your subject.

Oil Painting is an exciting rich medium but a much longer process to learn. It can be intimidating at first as the paint remains wet for longer, but this allows you more time to manipulate your work. 

Participants will delve into techniques to help their confidence grow: color mixing, brush application techniques for rich textures. This class works for beginners and is also good for teens who are building up a body of work for a portfolio or interested in a fine arts career. In a full class course you will complete a couple of finished paintings.

For Teens ages 13-17 yrs

Time: Thursdays 4:15pm-6:15pm

  • FALL I 8 Wks SEP 7- OCT 26

  • FALL II 7 WKS NOV 2-DEC 21

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.