Super Pet Expo
Fri Feb 7, 2020 - Sun Feb 9, 2020
- see all dates
Repeating every days through February 9, 2020.
Various times
Age: 2+
Price: One Day Adult (12+) $13; One Day Child (4-11) $8; Weekend Pass (Adult) $20; Weekend Pass (Child) $10; Kids 3 & Under Free (one per adult). Pets are welcome. Leashed pets admitted free. (No retractable leashes).
Animal lovers big and small—pet parents and future pet owners--will discover new activities and returning favorites at the 20th Super Pet Expo, the largest pet shopping extravaganza on the east coast.
Their pooches can participate in games and the kids can hold some of hundreds of reptiles and amphibians. They’ll watch parrots perform, cats demonstrate how trainable they can be, learn how to build a “crabitat” as well as how to best care for their animal friends.
New this year:
- Freestyle disc-catching exhibitions by the Mid Atlantic Disc Dog Club, where agile canines fly in the air to catch Frisbees.
- Treibball, reminiscent of soccer, for dogs who enjoy chasing, playing games, herding, or problem-solving.
- Mister Crabs Show includes hands-on educational demonstrations of how to build a “crabitat” and the care and conservation of hermit crabs.
Show favorites:
- Repticon, twice as big as last year, is a showcase of hundreds of reptiles and amphibians from around the world such as boas, pythons, bearded dragons, monitor lizards, skinks, turtles, tortoises and dart frogs.
- Luring 101 is for dogs - big and small, tall and short - who love to chase. They take center stage in an enclosed 250-foot luring course set up to give pets a high-speed run that will thrill both dogs and audience.
- The Cat Fanciers’ Association will demonstrate cat agility and illustrate how trainable cats can be to inspire human cat owners to put their pets through hoops and hurdles at home.
- The Garden State Cat Club of New Jersey is sponsoring a Pet Me Cat Area.
- Rizzo’s Reptile Discovery will show visitors the magic and excitement of reptiles.
- Macaw parrots Molly, Polly and Dolly—who have appeared on Animal Planet and Discovery Channel--will strut their stuff for New Jersey Bird Man Bill Middleton performing an Exotic Bird Show in which they ride bikes, roller-skate, play basketball and more.
Friday Feb. 7: 3 pm to 8 pm
Saturday Feb. 8: 10 am to 7 pm
Sunday Feb. 9: 10 am to 5 pm
** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.