Dino Diorama Party

Sat Sep 28, 2019
Various times
Age: 4+
Price: $20
2 Chicks with Chocolate

Dino lovers rejoice - roar back to school with this Jurassic event. Mold and paint your way back to the past by creating this delicious edible diorama.

Take home to enjoy this dino-mite treat. Don't forget to strike a ferocious pose with the dinosaur selfie wall.

Times: 12pm, 130pm, 3pm & 4pm

Craft Time: 50 mins

$20 includes: 1 volcano craft & chocolate dino with tote box. 

*Parents do not need a ticket, however if you require a seat, you require a ticket

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.