Outdoor Summer Dining and Fall Family Programming at Imagine That!

Fri Jun 26, 2020 - Sun Oct 18, 2020
- see all dates
Repeating every week — Fridays, and Saturdays through October 3, 2020
Except July 4, 2020, September 4, 2020, September 5, 2020.
Also on October 10, 2020, October 11, 2020, October 17, 2020, October 18, 2020.
Except July 4, 2020, September 4, 2020, September 5, 2020.
Also on October 10, 2020, October 11, 2020, October 17, 2020, October 18, 2020.
Various times
Age: 0-8
Price: $60 per turf square for up to 8 people
ImagineThat! hosts exciting outdoor events this summer and fall, with social distancing in place. The weekend fun includes music, bingo, magic, and more family-friendly entertainment options.
Schedule (Check the website for exact times and availability):
- Friday, June 26, Saturday, June 27, and Sunday, June 28: Jam with Tony Dance Party! followed by Music Bingo
- Friday, July 3, and Sunday, July 5: Magic show followed by a visit and some dancing with Spiderman and then Marshall from Paw Patrol
- Saturday, July 11: 8:30pm Stand up comedy night (Mature audiences only)
- Friday, July 10, and Saturday, July 11: Ron Albanese, aka Polka Dot, doing unique, feel-good family entertainment followed by a sing-a-long with Elsa
- Friday, July 17, and Saturday, July 18: Zumbini with Allie featuring music and dancing for ages 0-6, followed by Peppa Pig
- Saturday, July 18: School of Rock Movie Night
- Friday, July 24, and Saturday, July 25: Jam with Tony followed by music and bingo with prizes
- Friday, July 24: Evening for children with special needs and their families
- 7/25- 8:30pm- Family Music Bingo
- Friday, July 31, and Saturday, August 1: Magic Show followed by a sing-a-long with Ariel, The Little Mermaid
- Friday, August 7, and Saturday, August 8: Musical Story Teller - singing, dancing, storytelling with puppets followed by a sing-a-long with Bell
- Friday, August 14, and Saturday, August 15: Sing -A-Long w/Elsa & Music Concert Polka Dot Ron Albanese
- Friday, August 21, and Saturday, August 22: School of Rock performs followed by dancing and singing with the Mal from Descendants
- Friday, August 28, and Saturday, August 29: Outdoor Magic Show Followed by Dancing with Spiderman and Peppa Pig
- Friday, September 11, and Saturday, September 12: Songs for Seeds performs followed by Mickey Mouse
- Friday, September 18, and Saturday, September 19: Jam with Tony followed by Music Bingo
- Friday September 25, and Saturday September 26 - Outdoor Magic Show Followed by Dancing with Spiderman and Peppa Pig!
- Friday October 2, and Saturday October 3 - Zumbini with Allie followed by Dancing with Skye
- Saturday October 10, and Sunday October 11 - The Circus is Coming To Town!
- Saturday October 17, and Sunday October 18 - Rockness Music followed by dancing with Marshall
- Sat.10/24 , and Sun. 10/25- Batman, Minnie Mouse, Chase and Poppy all perform
Most shows are Friday and Saturday at 4:30pm and 6:30pm. You can preorder food to be delivered to your square, which you can come 30 minutes early for.
Refunds will be given if events are canceled for weather. There will be access to indoor bathrooms.
** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.