Survival of the Slowest

Fri Jun 7, 2024 - Thu Sep 5, 2024
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Repeating every days through September 5, 2024.
10:00am to 5:00pm ET
Age: All ages
Price: Exhibit included with Museum admission
Museum of Disovery and Science
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Get an up-close look at wildlife with daily presentations featuring live snakes, tortoises, a hedgehog, a tarantula, and more at this fun exhibit that focuses on animals that are known to be slower and smaller than others. Survival of the Slowest looks at often-overlooked species that have evolved to slow down as part of their strategy to survive—and even thrive—in a world where large, strong, and fast animals are often at the top of the food chain.

Meet animals that have survived for millions of years despite being very slow and learn about the puzzling sides of evolution and adaptation.

Discover the difference between warm- and cold-blooded species, discover why some animals need less food than others and see the unique ways they hide from predators.


** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.