Birding with Frank—Pond & Bay Waterfowl at SoFo

Sat Mar 21, 2020
10:00am ET
Age: 10+
Price: $7/adullt. $5 children un
South Fork Natural History Museum

Southampton’s Dune Road is the perfect place to see a variety of freshwater and saltwater birds that prefer the calmer waters of the South Fork ponds and bays—rather than the ocean’s fury—this time of year.

Mergansers, grebes, canvasbacks, and gadwalls will be on our list to see, as well as many other species. Bring binoculars and a field guide to birds of the eastern United States (if you have one). This program is for adults and teens; however, children ages 10 and older may attend. Walk Leader: Frank Quevedo, Executive Director, South Fork Natural History Museum



"Due to recent developments regarding COVID-19 in Suffolk County and throughout the country, SOFO will be closing the museum beginning today, Saturday March 14th until further notice. All of our outdoor programs and walks will continue as scheduled. The health and safety of our visitors and staff are of utmost importance to us. Please follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and our website for announcements on upcoming programs and events. All the trails behind the museum will remain accessible from the museum's parking lot."

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.