Milkshake Monday

Mon May 10, 2021
12:00pm ET
Age: All ages
Price: $6

A little bit of Twitter drama and a joke from Adam Sandler are leading to all-you-can-drink milkshakes all over Long Island on Monday. 

After Sandler was featured in a viral video, choosing not to wait 30 minutes for a table at a Manhassatt IHOP, the comedian joked that he had left because the all-you-can-eat special doesn't include milk shakes. IHOP has countered by creating that very special—bottomless milkshakes—at all Long Island IHOP locations for one day only.

Between the hours of 12pm-8pm on Monday, May 10, 2021, diners (including Adam Sandler) ordering any milkshake receive unlimited free refills.

As an added bonus, IHOP is donating $1 to the charity Comedy Gives Back for each milkshake sold (anywhere in the country) on Monday.

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.