Halloween Night Hike: Nocturnal Animals at Nature Discovery Center

Fri Oct 25, 2024
8:00pm to 9:00pm CT
Age: families with kids ages 4 and up
Price: $12 non-member; $10 member
Nature Discovery Center

Bring your flashlights and your curiosity about life in the dark for this not-so-spooky Halloween Night Hike at the Nature Discovery Center!

Learn about the animals in Russ Pitman Park once the sun goes down on this family-friendly walk guided by Eric Duran, NDC Head Naturalist.

Ages: Adults & families with kids ages 4 & up. All kids must be registered and must be accompanied by a registered adult caregiver.

Advance registration required. Register online at https://naturediscoverycenter.org/activities/halloween-night-hike/

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.