Spring Break Goat Yoga & Snuggles Class

Mon Mar 9, 2020 - Wed Mar 11, 2020
- see all dates
Repeating every days through March 11, 2020.
11:00am CT
Age: All ages
Price: $17
Goat Yoga Katy

This class is geared more towards the kiddos! Come do a little yoga, then spend lots of time snuggling and playing with the goats.

This is a special time for kids to come play with baby Nigerian Dwarf goats. Kids will learn some very basic yoga moves, play a few games, take lots of adorable pics and play out side with baby goats.

Parents, please get a ticket for yourself as well so you can join your kiddos.

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.