Lunch Bunch at Mercer Botanic Gardens

Wed Oct 9, 2019 - Wed Dec 11, 2019
- see all dates
Repeating every month on October, November, December on the second Wednesdays through December 11, 2019.
12:00pm CT
Age: 12+
Price: Free
Mercer Botanic Gardens

Pack a lunch and head to the Garden to learn about a new gardening topic each month.

Fall Topics:

Oct. 9: Surprisingly Spooky, Marvelously Mysterious Plants 
Nov. 13: GARDENS Exhibit
Dec. 11: A Winter Wonder Garden 

Lunch Bunch is recommended for ages 12+. Call Mercer Botanic Gardens at 713-274-4160 to make a reservation or receive more information. Please note: Location temporarily outdoors in main garden under staff building.

** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.