"The Great Kapok Tree" Creative Drama Workshop at Danbury Library

Wed Aug 14, 2024
2:00pm to 3:00pm ET
Age: 5-10 year olds
Price: FREE
Danbury Public Library

In a dense, green Amazon rain forest, a man is chopping down a great Kapok tree. The animals that live among its leaves and branches watch him silently.  Hot and weary, the man lies down to rest at the foot of the tree and falls asleep. Then, one by one, the forest creatures emerge to whisper in his ear.

They beg him not to destroy their home and tell him how important every tree is in the rain forest. Come act out this wonderful tale and find out what the man decides.

FREE! For ages 5-10. Registration required.


** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.