Roaring Brook Environmental Center - 9:00 AM Pick
Chelsea Piers Connecticut - 8:45 AM
Lachat Town Farm - 9:00 AM
Earthplace - 9:00 AM
Shepaug Dam - 9:00 AM
Chelsea Piers Connecticut - 8:45 AM
Lachat Town Farm - 9:00 AM
Chelsea Piers Connecticut - 8:45 AM
Lachat Town Farm - 9:00 AM
Lyman Orchards Apple Barrel - 9:00 AM Pick
Connecticut Museum of Culture and History - 11:00 AM Pick
The Giggling Pig Milford - 10:30 AM
Fairfield Museum - 10:00 AM
Country Quilt LLama Farm - 2:00 PM
Mill River Park - 5:00 PM
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Sensory Friendly Evening: Meet the Animals at Niantic Children's Museum
Join us for a special evening, which is free for families with children on the autism spectrum or with sensory processing challenges. Meet the Animals! Participants will have the opportunity to meet some of our Museum animals like Loki the Leopard Gecko and Mr. Rogers the Russian Tortoise along with making some animals crafts.
Documentation of diagnosis is not required.
During this event, the Museum will be made more welcoming to our more sensitive guests, along with having some quiet corners and sensory bins set-up throughout the facility. Children will be able to choose what activities they would like to participate in and do them at whatever time they feel most comfortable within the two-hour time frame.
Pre-registration required.
This event is funded by the Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut.