Roaring Brook Environmental Center - 9:00 AM Pick
Roaring Brook Environmental Center - 9:00 AM Pick
Chelsea Piers Connecticut - 8:45 AM
Lachat Town Farm - 9:00 AM
Earthplace - 9:00 AM
Shepaug Dam - 9:00 AM
Chelsea Piers Connecticut - 8:45 AM
Lachat Town Farm - 9:00 AM
Chelsea Piers Connecticut - 8:45 AM
Lachat Town Farm - 9:00 AM
Lyman Orchards Apple Barrel - 9:00 AM Pick
Connecticut Museum of Culture and History - 11:00 AM Pick
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Astronomy Night: Stargazing at Lyman Orchards

Head over to the driving range at Lyman Orchards Golf Course for a beautiful night full of stargazing with the Astronomy Society of New Haven. During the event, families will be able to see the two biggest planets in our solar system and their largest moons, as well as galaxies, clusters, and nebulae.
Blankets, chairs and red flashlights are recommended while enjoying the breathtaking astronomical views and educational experience.
The Astronomy Society of New Haven (ASNH) is a non-profit organization that participates in public outreach events throughout CT. These events are where club members operate their own telescopes, and binoculars and present various sky object such as planets, galaxies, star clusters and nebulae. Use them as a resource! Ask questions about the objects you see through the eyepiece. Learn more about The Astronomy Society of New Haven here.
Any rain, or greater than 50% cloud cover, will postpone the event to November 12th.