4-H Education Center at Auerfarm - 8:30 AM Pick
Fairfield Museum - 10:00 AM
The Giggling Pig Milford - 10:30 AM
Danbury Public Library - 5:00 PM
Parkville Market - various times
Danbury Public Library - 11:00 AM
Grace Farms - 3:00 PM
Danbury Public Library - various times
Greenwich Historical Society - 12:00 PM
Mattatuck Museum - 1:00 PM
Mattatuck Museum - 2:30 PM
Grace Farms - 10:00 AM
Grace Farms - 1:00 PM
Windsor Historical Society - 2:00 PM
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JFK Space Fest 2019
This is a special commemoration of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing and for an exploration of more recent missions and the future of space research.
The festivities of the day include activities for all ages. Hear from special NASA speakers, including former astronauts, inventors, and engineers. Meet scientists to learn about solar eclipses and galaxies far away. Learn how spacesuits keep astronauts safe. Build and launch your own rocket. Try the JFK Challenge app or listen to a solar eclipse on the Eclipse Soundscapes app.
Test your knowledge of space trivia and Earth's geography as photographed from the International Space Station. Hold 3-D printed models of the Sun, Earth's Moon, and a star in your hand. Enjoy musical performances or ask a poet to write you a poem about space. Make-and-take space activities for all ages. Create your own mini Moon with its unique geography and map Apollo landing sites. Use virtual reality goggles to explore the Milky Way and much more.
Gather for a musical send-off before celebrating the Apollo 11 Moon landing together exactly half a century later in a closing ceremony honoring the people who worked to make this milestone of human achievement in space a reality. Attendees who attend the closing ceremony will receive a commemorative memento for the day.
Registration is not required. All guest speaker presentations in Smith Hall will be free and open to the public. Seating for these presentations will be available on a first come, first served basis. Visitors ages 17 and under will be admitted to the Museum and all special space activities free of charge on this day. Additional student, military, senior, and EBT discounts are available. Regular Museum admission fees apply to all other visitors.