Comic-Con@Home 2021

Fri Jul 23, 2021 - Sun Jul 25, 2021
- see all dates
Repeating every days through July 25, 2021.
Various times
Age: 5 and up
Price: Free

You just got your hand on the hottest ticket of the year: San Diego Comic-Con!

The ultimate pop culture fan convention usually attracts well over 100k visitors. For the second year, the sky's the limit as the entire Con goes virtual.

Fans can explore the virtual exhibit hall, and watch exclusive panels and presentations about comics, gaming, television, film, and a wide variety of topics from publishers, studios, and more.

Comic-Con@Home also offers a Masquerade and other activities in which fans can participate from their own homes.

Badges are available for fans to print and wear at home if they so choose, but all SDCC events are free for anyone to join online.

Note: this year an abbreviated in-person version of Comic-Con is being held during Thanksgiving Weekend (November 26-28).  Details on this event are still being finalized.


** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.