Cozy Connect: Mr. Cuddles is Missing

Sun Mar 7, 2021
Various times
Age: 3+
Price: Free (Donations welcome)
Puppet Showplace Theater

Cozy Corner is an interactive, virtual puppet show, where an intrepid team of human and puppet friends search for Rory’s missing turtle lovey, Mr. Cuddles. Original music, colorful characters, and a bit of magic make this story an inspiring family adventure.

After the show, stay for an interactive Q&A with the cast and characters. Participants receive a Zoom link one hour before the performance begins.

Suggested donation- $10-$20 per household.

Cozy Corner is presented by Puppet Showplace Theater and Cozy Arts, an organization dedicated to creating original puppet productions and resources that invite children, and their adults, to develop the qualities, attitudes and skills needed to cultivate trusting relationships, welcoming communities, and a healthy planet.

3pm Eastern, 2pm Central, 12pm Pacific


** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.