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Science Sundays at Brevard Zoo
- see all dates
Except August 18, 2024.
Each Sunday at the Brevard Zoo, you’ll have the chance to escape the summer sun and dive into engaging, hands-on activities led by knowledgeable experts in an air conditioned event space, Nyami Nyami River Lodge. From fascinating animal behavior demonstrations to interactive exhibits on conservation and environmental science, Science Sunday promises to be a highlight of your week, combining the thrill of discovery with the comfort of cool, shaded spaces.
Save space in your schedule for interactive chats at 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
July 7: Conservation Corner
July 14: Chat with Commissary
July 21: Student Showcase
July 28: Bubbling with Curiosity
August 4: Student Showcase
August 11: Learn About Animal Life Support
August 18: Science Sunday will be taking a break this weekend.
August 25: Theme TBD