Six Perfect Picnic Places in Fairfield County

The days may be getting shorter, but the cool, crisp, fresh air of fall is the perfect time to have a picnic.  If you are looking for a picturesque country setting, Fairfield County offers some wonderful locations to park your basket and unroll your blanket. Picnics are a perfect way to take advantage of a sunny day and get together with family and friends.

Some of Fairfield County’s best parks and beaches are also great places to have a picnic. Whether you are a history buff, want a little adventure, or just want to enjoy the bucolic setting of Connecticut estates and lakes, there is something on this list for you.

California Incline, Santa Monica's Door to the Beach, Opens for Labor Day Weekend

People accuse Angelenos of talking too much about traffic. They think we're obsessed with our cars. I wish I could say they were wrong. But the truth is that when a major connector road to Santa Monica Beach reopens after a 15 month closure, the reaction from locals does look like something out of SNL's The Californians. When the first cars drove honking and selfying through the police barricade Thursday evening, past rows of news cameras and cheering crowds, a voice behind me even drawled, "Wow, Dude. I'm so happy."

So Long Summer! 21 Reasons NYC Parents Can't Wait for Fall

It seems like only yesterday I was anticipating summer with the same giddy excitement as my grade-schoolers. Once we hit Memorial Day, I was in full-on countdown mode. I couldn't wait for lazy summer mornings that fade into afternoons of romping in our favorite playgrounds, spoiling dinner with an extra scoop of our favorite ice cream, and all that weekend beach, water and amusement park fun.

We made our summer fun list and checked off one activity after another. Now I'm worn out. I'm sick of being sticky with the summer heat and sunblock, inhaling the noxious subway platform fumes, dripping popsicles — all of it. Gimme the cooler weather and all that comes with it, including back-to-school and all that cozy fall fun. I'm guessing I'm not the only one. Here are 21 reasons this summer-weary NYC momma is anticipating the change of seasons. Happy fall all!

After-School Programs in New Jersey with an Academic Focus

Back to school means a return to classes, tests, homework, and book reports. It can be stressful when kids struggle with the curriculum, especially for full-time working parents. Students might be learning new concepts in math and language arts with which parents aren't familiar. If you are concerned about your kids falling behind academically, or just want to give them a leg up on the new school year, you are in luck. New Jersey is home to a bunch of great after-school academic programs. Check out some of our top picks below. 

For some great tutoring options, read our post on New Jersey Tutoring Centers, or find more great enrichment programs in our Classes Directory.

5 Orange County Tearooms for Kids and their Dowager Countess

If you are regularly invited to eat and drink imaginary cakes, scones, and PG Tips from a Fischer-Price tea set, why not reciprocate with an invitation to a kid-friendly high tea at an Orange County teahouse? Forget trying to make conversation with Barbie and the teddy bears; taking your tea party on the road offers a chance to spend quality time with your kiddos while indulging in real scones, clotted cream, and cucumber sandwiches.

Kids love getting all dressed up to gorge themselves on desserts, while parents get to indulge in countless cups of caffeine in a room with an adult vibe. It's a win-win. Pinkies up!

Fall Fun Runs/Walks for Long Island Families

Just because the cooler weather is coming doesn't mean that you and your family can't get outside and get healthy. In fact, fall is the perfect season to get active while spending some quality time together.

There are several organizations hosting Kids Fun Runs this season in conjunction with longer races for adults. It's the perfect way to hit the pavement for your health--and a good cause. For more family-friendly activities, be sure to check out our Long Island Events Calendar.

Beginner's Guide to Homeschooling: Finding a Homeschool Group

If you're thinking about homeschooling, your first concern is probably how your kid will ever see other kids. It's normal to worry about feeling isolated and not knowing what to do or where to go, but don't. Your kid will be socialized, I promise. I was homeschooled from 5th grade all the way through high school, and I struggle more with maintaining adult relationships now than I ever did with friendships then, and trust me, it has nothing to do with the fact that I was homeschooled. Homeschooling has changed so much in the 10 years since I was homeschooled. While the resources are still a bit lacking, there are definitely more families homeschooling now for more of a variety of reasons. Whatever your reason may be, whether your jumping in for preschool or high school, starting out can be daunting and hard. The first thing you'll want to do is find a good group, which may offer classes, get togethers, and field trips.

Mommy Poppins hopes to become a great resource for homeschool families, so stay tuned for our series of articles on different homeschooling topics.

Drama Classes for Kids in Fairfield County, CT

Multiple Choice.  Your child: A) confuses all sources of light with limelight, B) is woefully shy, but shocked everyone (not least of all, you) with his breakout performance at last year's Christmas pageant, or C) doesn't enjoy physical/mental activity of the sporting sort.  If you chose A, B or C, drama lessons might be the plot twist your child's after-school routine needs!  Actually, an expert in Parents magazine this month explains any kid can benefit from a little drama, saying "one landmark study found children involved in the arts for nine hours a week are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement."  That's the sort of return on results you want before investing in another extracurricular activity. We've researched the group classes, but many of the studios in Fairfield County also offer private lessons for those super-dedicated to their craft! Check out our Classes and Activities Guide for even more after school fun!
