Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden - 10:00 AM
Tinez Farms - 10:00 AM
Museum of Discovery and Science - 10:00 AM
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Celebrate Summer with Nelson’s Garden

Celebrate summertime with Candy O’Terry and Colleen Esposito, mother-daughter co-authors of Nelson’s Garden. Best described as a partially true, mostly made-up story, Nelson’s Garden is about a man named Nelson McNutt from Weston, Massachusetts, and two little girls with a summer wish to learn how to grow a garden.
Known far and wide for his beautiful garden and his green thumb, Nelson teaches sisters Belle and Rosie his gardening tricks, and before you know it, friendship grows in Nelson’s Garden.
Book readings at 2:15 and 3:15 will also include songs, a table-sized garden mural coloring project, and more.
Copies of Nelson’s Garden will be available for purchase and signed on-site by the authors.
Accessibility: This program takes place in the Leventritt Pavilion, which is accessed by walking over mowed grass.