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Breakheart Fall Family Festival

Come celebrate this first of its kind fall festival at Breakheart Reservation! This FREE event will include lawn games, a petting zoo, storytellers, music, and family-oriented activities.
Watch and learn about owls with the Center for Wildlife or hold a live snake with the Cape Ann Vernal Pond Team. Learn about trees on a guided walk or relax with a Tai Chi lesson from State Rep. Donald Wong. All of this and so much more! The event is co-sponsored by the DCR, Friends of Breakheart, Saugus Cultural Council, and S.A.V.E.
The event will take place in and around the Christopher P. Dunne Visitor Center. Please wear comfortable shoes and dress for the weather. Bring drinking water, sunscreen, and insect repellent. Look for rangers who will assist with parking. Please observe all COVID protocols. Visit