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Our Musical Wilderness
Thu Dec 6, 2018
10:30am ET
Age: All ages
Price: Kids 12 & under are free; $30/adult
Goddard Riverside's Bernie Wohl Center
Co-founders Sara Leila Sherman (piano) and Hilary Castle (violin) present a program inspired by animals and nature featuring creatures and holiday favorites. Each piece has an animal reference, from Swans to a barn dance in Barber.
Children of all ages are welcome to roll, crawl, squeal, and dance to their hearts’ content, while parents, grandparents, and caregivers can sit back and unwind.
Each interactive performance is followed by an "instrument petting zoo" where everyone is welcome to try the instruments and meet the performers.
Photographs are taken during the performance. If you do not want photographs of you or your munchkin(s) taken, please send an email or have a word before the concert.
** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.