Shofar Shabbat at Emanu-El Downtown

Fri Sep 27, 2024
4:00pm to 7:00pm ET
Age: 0-12
Price: $35/adult; $20/child
Emanu-El Downtown

Make some noise in the New Year and explore Emanu-El Downtown's new home at the Center for Jewish History! Beatboxing, games with Hex & Co., lullabies with Shira, crafting, and more are included.  

Make new friends at Shabbat Dinner Together complete with a service, yummy food, and play for every age. This event is intended for kids 0-12 and their grown-ups.


Emanu-El Downtown

Emanu-El Downtown offers educational programs, special events, drop-in classes, and holiday celebrations for families with young children. Recent activities have included a Purim Circus, a First Fruits Festival, a Chanukah celebration, a New Year Festival, Shabbat dinners, Hebrew music classes, Shabbat classes, and so much more. All programs are within the General Theological Seminary campus in Chelsea. Downtown events and classes are open to Temple Emanu-El members and non-members.   read more
More Activities Here
** Activity dates/times are subject to change. Please click through to the activity website to verify.