Mostly Free & Fun Things To Do With NJ Kids This Weekend September 15-16: Dinosaurs, Clownfest, Apple Day, O'Keefe & More!

Hold onto your Pumpkin Lattes, folks, there will be plenty of time for fall, but this weekend you can still hold onto the last remnants of summer with some great summery events!  You'll find the Atlantic City Seafood Festival, Clownfest 2012 in Seaside Heights, Festival by the Sea in Point Pleasant, and a Family Day celebrating Georgia O'Keefe at the Van Vleck Gardens. Read on for all our top picks and remember, you can find a listing of all NJ activities for kids in our Event Calendar.

Weekend Getaway to Hudson Valley's Rhinebeck

Want a fun weekend away that doesn’t involve waiting on line at an amusement park or trekking all your belongings to the beach? 

Alison Lowenstein is a local mom and author of the popular book City Baby Brooklyn. Her second is City Weekends, a wonderful resource full of ideas for things to do in and around New York City. City Weekends isn't specifically focused on family weekend trips, but one of the things I love about it is that it's full of great weekend trip ideas that can still be kid-friendly without being so kid-centric.  (FYI, Alison's latest is City Kid New York and has received some nice reviews as well).

Read on to learn about one of her weekend trip suggestions for a fun family trip to the country in the Hudson Valley's Rhinebeck:

Free and Fun Things to do in CT with Kids This Weekend September 15-16: Pirates, Trucks and Musical Theater

My favorite time of year has arrived. There are so many things I love about fall.....getting back into a routine after a summer of lazy days, pulling on a comfortable pair of jeans and watching my kids run around on the soccer field in the crisp Autumn air. Our family's fall traditions include apple picking, baking, corn mazes, hayrides and a visit to the pumpkin patch where we cut an entire wagonful of pumpkins off the vines to take home and decorate. We've compiled a list of pick your own Apple Orchards in Western CT where your family can create wonderful Autumn memories together. Read on for our pick of fun events happening in your area this weekend.

A Few Different Mommy and Me Fitness Classes in Hartford County, Connecticut

Summer is officially over and it’s easy to fall into a winter routine filled with sedentary activities and not-so-healthy comfort foods. Don’t let all that pre-summer hard work go to waste now that there is a chill in the air. As a mother it’s hard not to make up excuses like “I don’t have the time” or “I can’t find a babysitter”. But with great programs like Mommy and Me workout classes you can incorporate your child into your exercise plan! There’s no hassle of having to find a sitter AND you get to work out while still spending time with your little one. Not only are these special exercise classes geared towards moms a great way to work out but they're also a good way to socialize and meet other new parents.

Upper East Side Indoor Play Spaces: Drop-in and Members-Only Play Spots for NYC Kids

We continue our month-long focus on the Upper East Side with a look at all of the awesome indoor play spots in the neighborhood. With Carl Schurz Park and Central Park as its east and west borders, and lots of playgrounds, the UES has no shortage of places to play outdoors. But the area is also filled with indoor spots where kids can run around.

In addition to some free indoor activity spots, there area a slew of members-only kids' gyms like Gymboree, Kidville and Jodi's Gym, the UES boasts more offbeat drop-in play spots, like indoor petting zoo The Art Farm in the City and costume Mecca Let's Dress Up! Here are 12 places for kids to play indoors on the Upper East Side.

Apple Recipes and Fall Crafts for NJ Families

It's the most wonderful time of the year again, when the children go back to school and everything on the menu is apple, squash, pumpkin or fig. (Yes, figs are in season now, too!) I can't say I won't miss those drifting, lazy days that sneak up on you, only to deposit a more fully grown child in September, and all that 'where did the time go'-ness and memory-making quickly turns into busy school days and early rising. Of course, as a nostalgist, I find melancholy in all seasons, so let's move along to the food. I love a good fall recipe, and despite sitting in traffic for 50 hours to get there, I also love the bounty from a day spent apple picking. If you don't feel like cooking, we've got some crafts and leafy fun for you as well. Very good for the memory-making.
