Broadway Shows and Other Top Entertainment Streaming Online for Free

Disney On Broadway has released a new instructional video teaching fans how to dance the opening number “Arabian Nights” (above) from Aladdin. Photo by Deen Van Meer

Any theater lover knows the show must go on, and a global pandemic certainly hasn't slowed our entertainment options, it's just repackaged them for online, at-home consumption. One glimpse at our weekly events roundup proves just how many virtual entertainment options are available. From the bright lights of Broadway's Great White Way to London's National Theater, the Sydney Opera House, and world-famous orchestras and dance troupes, now's the time to nab some VIP seating and catch a front-row view of all the top entertainment streaming online for FREE right now.

Whether you want to introduce your kids to iambic pentameter, they've memorized the Hamilton cast recording, or need a new piece of choreography to master or concertos to memorize, we've found 25 picks for spectacular streaming entertainment. Our picks range from some of our favorite family-friendly Broadway shows to spectacular streaming concerts and dance performances at world-famous performance venues.

Now, don your fanciest yoga pants, prop your feet up, and enjoy a night out ... in.

NYC Coronavirus Updates: New Grading Policy, Overnight Subway Shutdown, More

The coronavirus means the  MTA must sanitize each train car daily. One problem: It means an end to 24-hour service. Photo by Marc A. Hermann for the MTA New York City Transit

Just more than a month into its coronavirus-induced remote learning program, the New York City Department of Education announced a new grading policy for the school year. That's far from the only news story to come out of City Hall this week. Read on for the latest pertinent coronavirus updates spanning from Lower Manhattan to Albany.

As you're hunkered down with kids, be sure to visit our post on FREE coronavirus resources for NYC families and our Stay-at-Home Guide, which is chock full of boredom busters to keep kids entertained.

NYC Coronavirus Updates: Outdoor Pools Won't Open, City Summer Camp Cuts, and More

New Yorkers will be on the outside looking in this summer: There will be no city pools. Keeping them shuttered saves the city $12 million.

It's hard to believe it's been just one month since the coronavirus shut down schools and most non-essential businesses in NYC, but here we are, and the news, if anything, keeps getting worse for city families. Mayor Bill de Blasio unveiled his executive budget Thursday morning, bringing with it severe cuts to city mainstays, including the closure of city pools for the summer and the elimination of the Parks Department's affordable summer camp. Beaches are also unlikely to open. The City Council must approve the budget before it takes effect.

Read on for more details on these coronavirus cuts, the new mask mandate, and an extension of NY on PAUSE.

NYC Coronavirus Updates: NYC Schools Will Remain Closed, Regents Canceled, Dog Runs Shutter, More

All New Yorkers are eligible for FREE meals at 400 DOE meal hubs. Photo courtesy of NYC

In the past month, the one thing that's been constant in NYC is change: Changing schedules, changing conditions, changing rules, and regulations. It's hard to keep up with all the change, while also being quarantined in a tiny apartment and homeschooling little New Yorkers. With that in mind, we're rounding up a handful of NYC coronavirus updates particularly useful to our readers. Read on for the stories you might have missed this week.

For a helping hand, see our roundup of coronavirus resources for NYC families and our Stuck at Home Guide, which is chock full of boredom busters, activities, homeschooling help, and more.

Legoland New York Delays Opening to Summer 2021

Legoland New York's opening has been pushed to summer 2021. Photo courtesy of the resort

The long-awaited Legoland New York Resort is the latest casualty of the coronavirus pandemic. The resort, located in Goshen, New York, 60 miles north of New York City, announced Tuesday its opening date has been delayed to summer 2021. It was previously scheduled to open on July 4, 2020. An exact date has yet to be announced, but for now, consider all those plans to peruse Miniland or meet Master Builders to be on hold.

The resort said its decision came after consultation with the CDC.

65 Life Skills to Teach Kids at Every Age

Teach 'em to tie during downtime.

We were about half a day into the great pandemic-induced homeschool experiment of 2020 when I lost my cool for the first time. With a full-time work schedule for my husband and myself, plus three kids to teach, how exactly were we going to manage?

I worried about workspace, bandwidth (both our Wi-Fi connection and my own), and common core math problems. And then, I decided to sort of... give up. Sure, we'll do our best to keep up with the schoolwork of three kids in two schools in three vastly different stages of their educational journeys, but we'll also focus on some good, old-fashioned life skills.

Day 1 found me schooling my son on how to make his teen-diet staple, ramen noodles, and a home ec class full of chocolate chip cookies for my younger daughters. I mostly stayed back, and let my girls do the measuring and mixing that I typically like to micromanage. On Day 2 we sewed up the holes in some favorite stuffed animals. By Day 3, my youngest was eagerly awaiting the day's lesson, and that inspired me to reach out to colleagues and friends to put together this list of life skills. Of course, most of these essential skills are worth teaching kids at any time but it feels apt during this forced slowdown. Without further ado, 65 real-life lessons to teach your kids.

If you're looking for more at-home and indoor Boredom Busters, we have plenty to recommend, including science experiments and crafts.

Free Resources for NYC Families During Coronavirus: Meals, Internet, Books, and More

Whether you need a device or internet access, there are plenty of places to get support in NYC. Photo by Sara M.

To say the coronavirus pandemic has upended life as we know it would be an understatement. Out are playgrounds and playdates; in are days split between homeschooling and trying to maintain some semblance of a home office. But, in a time of crisis, it's been uplifting to see all the FREE resources for NYC families, proving that though we can't get any closer to one another than a social distancing appropriate six feet, we're still all in this together.

Read on for help with everything from your homeschool set up to your next hot meal or much-needed mental health break. We've got more than 15 FREE resources for NYC families trying to weather the COVID-19 crisis.

What’s Open in Coronavirus Shutdown: Parks, Beaches, Hikes You Can do While Social Distancing

Tough new restrictions still allow New Yorkers to get some fresh air while maintaining social distance ... for now. Photo by Sara Marentette

The first day of spring is usually filled with sunshine and plans for a care-free spring break, but this year things are shaping up quite differently. Much of NYC is closed thanks to the coronavirus shutdown, the Department of Education is shifting to a long-distance learning plan, and our event calendar has more virtual events than in-person ones to support the new norm of social distancing.

The rules of daily life are constantly changing, with Governor Andrew Cuomo announcing ever-tightening restrictions Friday afternoon. Individuals can go outside to collect essential supplies, like groceries and medicine, or for solitary, non-contact recreation, and must maintain a safe social distance of 6 feet.

But, no shelter-in-place order has been given, so if you need to get out with the kids, we've rounded up seven ways to do it safely during the coronavirus shutdown.
