What’s that you’re doing? Are you… working?!? Stop that! Stop that right now! It’s summer, missy. S-U-have some fun-MER. We at Mommy Poppins take summer frivolity very seriously, and we want to make sure you do the same. Starting now, we declare this to be the Summer of Play. So what are you waiting for? Get out there, make playhouses out of cardboard, count birds and flowers on your street, paint masterpieces with sidewalk chalk, and turn your lawn into a gameboard. Looking for some inspiration? We can get you started with a list of 100 Ways to Play.
Now, play is its own reward, but there’s no reason we can’t sweeten the pot. Share your summer fun ideas, photos, and tips on social media and we just might return the favor with some fun-makin' gear. Let the hashtags begin!
Whatever the season, your source for weekly activities remains the same: our ever-expanding calendar of events. This weekend alone, we can entice you with birthdays (Kidspace's, faeries' and our country's), ceremonies honoring ancestors and a new library, celebrations of Shakespeare, and sanitation, and open air concerts and movies.
Keep reading for some of our favorite picks for this weekend...