16 Must-Do Christmas Events and Holiday Activities in Los Angeles for Kids
Submitted by Toby B on
'Tis the season for Christmas events and holiday activities in Los Angeles! From the hundreds of Christmas events and holiday activities taking place this year, we've managed to trim our list to the top family favorites.
This year, Santa's bag is overflowing with festive fun for families in Los Angeles. This holiday season's stockings are full of theme parks dressed up in their holiday finest, traditional holiday parades, only-in-LA holiday shows, and other beloved holly jolly traditions. We can barely keep up with all the fun Christmas events and holiday activities in Los Angeles this year.
For more holiday activities, don't miss our Holiday Events and Christmas Activities Guide for Los Angeles, packed with every possible Santa breakfast, holiday and Christmas light shows, Nutcracker shows, Polar Express holiday trains, outdoor ice skating rinks, and so much more.