Weekend Fun for NJ Kids: Mayfest, Touch-A-Truck, Endangered Species Day, May 16-17

It’s pretty darn hard to beat the month of May in New Jersey! There’s so much to do this weekend in our great state, it’s tough to pick our favorites. Soak up some sun at Mayfest in Historic Smithville, Endangered Species Day at the Bergen County Zoo or Touch-A-Truck at Westfield Garden State Plaza. Or head indoors for some quality kids' culture including New Jersey Ballet’s Sleeping Beauty and an African Brazilian Carnival at the Bergen County Performing Arts Center.

Whatever you decide to do this weekend, we hope you enjoy the wonderful weather with family and friends. For even more activity options, check out our Event Calendar.

News: Free Luna Park Rides, Girl Scouts Ranger Program, Comic Con Tix

With the temperature (and humidity!) rising, summer seems to have arrived, but most NYC kids still have weeks of classes ahead. Nevertheless, we've got news of lots of cool happenings to look forward to once homework no longer dominates every waking minute. From rewards for good grades at a popular amusement park, to a partnership between the Girl Scouts and the National Park Service, to an innovative new program at the Children's Museum of the Arts, this news post is packed with fun for families.

9 Yoga Studios in NYC with Parent-Child Classes

Mommy & Me yoga classes are a weekly date for my son and me. We have been going since he was about two years old and now, more than a year later, we are having as much fun as ever.

I have found that yoga is a great way to bond with your child while also getting a workout. When my son first started taking these classes, he loved being able to show off his downward dog or butterfly pose. Since then, he has gained great strength and flexibility, and even knows how take a deep breath as a means to calm himself—a technique we have used to stave off many a temper tantrum.

If you and your tot are looking to get your om on, here are our picks for Mommy & Me yoga programs in NYC.

Weekday Event Picks for LA Kids: Free Movies, Music, & National Bike Week, May 11-15

These days there is a lot of pressure to drive less and bike, walk, or take public transportation. While I am all for the worthy principles behind this, as a mom, the thought of my kids pedaling through our crazy LA traffic is terrifying. However, sooner or later, bike they must. This week brings an opportunity to brush up on safety tips regarding pedestrian and bike awareness.

The LA Phil performs free downtown this week, Big Hero 6 screens for free in Pasadena, and Häagen-Dazs is giving away free cones if you are in the mood for ice cream. Parents still figuring out the school thing may want to check out the Kindergarten Admissions Panel at the Beverly Hills Public Library. All this, plus the following outings are favorites on our Event Calendar this week.
