Dancing, Singing, Celebrating--Partake in a Pow Wow, NJ-style!

New Jersey abounds with festivals–music, food, art–you name it. Well, here’s a type of festival that not only entertains, but also teaches history and culture. A festival that originates in the beginning of people and land: the Pow Wow. A modern pow wow involves both Native American and non-Native American people meeting to dance, sing, and honor American Indian culture. Since New Jersey’s original inhabitants were Lenni Lenape people:  the Unami (Lenape) tribe; the Minisink (Munsee) tribe and the Unalachtigo tribe–their festivals continue here, and throughout the tri-state area, today.  Take in a pow wow with the family, and celebrate history, life and spirit all in one!

Eight Cool Ways to Cool Off Indoors With NYC Kids this Summer

Yes, you can hit a local beach or water playground to stay comfortable this season. But sometimes NYC gets so sticky in the summer, all you want to do is bask in the glory of-air conditioning.

Even if you're lucky enough to have central air, the kids won't tolerate being cooped up all day. Luckily, New York City offers lots of indoor spots where families can cool off while having a cool time.

Many of these frosty havens served as toasty destinations during the winter. My what a difference a few months make.

Summer Solstice Things to Do this Weekend in CT: Strawberry Festival, Camp Out, Carnival & Fireworks

Summer solstice means more time outside to have fun and we like that here at CT Mommy Poppins! This weekend you can celebrate summer with luscious strawberries at a Strawberry Festival in Bethlehem. Enjoy a magical fireworks show over Candlewood Lake. Camp out at The New Canaan Nature Center's Great American Camp Out and have fun at an old fashioned Carnival and Car Show in Washington.

One Great Day In NJ: Cape May County Zoo

When you're living with a future zookeeper/artist/paleontologist/restaurant owner, almost all your excursions turn into research trips. Fortunately, my son's current passion for zoos can be easily indulged with a trip to the Cape May County Zoo. We've gone three times this year, and I'm confident more trips are in our future. I'm sure you're thinking, "Wow. They must have a lot of money if they can afford to attend the zoo that often." Want to know our secret? The reason we can indulge our future zookeeper so easily is that admission to the Cape May County Zoo is 100% free! Although the zoo is primarily funded by the county, donations are critical to its survival and growth. We usually donate at least $20 on each visit but, if money is tight, you can enjoy the zoo for free. As my husband says "Zoo for the price of none." (OK...that was a bad pun. We'll leave him out of the rest of the story.)

Five Must-Have Sun-Care Products for New York City Babies

Everyone knows that if you plan to spend anytime outdoors under the burning sun, you better slather on the sunblock. (Your skin will thank you for it for years to come.) However, infants have extra-special needs when it comes to sun protection, particularly New York City babies, who are invariably out and about all day in strollers or slings on shadeless streets.

So where's an SPF-obsessed parent to start? As a mommy who's currently shuttling around a newborn babe, here are the five sun-care products I won't leave home without.

Le Play Cafe: Indoor Playspace for Kids, Coffee, Tea and Me Time for Parents [CLOSED]

*NOTE: This play space has closed.*

Imagine this scene, sipping a warm cup of coffee, relaxing in swanky comfortable couches all while watching your son and daughter play dragons and princess in a castle. You find yourself being able to enjoy your coffee while reading a book, meeting new moms or catching up on news and events while reading a newspaper and watching TV. Sounds lovely right? Too good to be true? Not so, this scene happens everyday at Le Play Cafe! Read on for more info on this fabulous new spot, and how you can save over 50% through Poppins Perks.

Weekly Wrap Up: Father's Day Fun, Curious George at CMOM, Rainbow City

This week, we were all about dear old dad. We highlighted fun things to do on Father's Day, shared one daddy blogger's take on a new documentary about fatherhood and rounded up a bunch of daddy and me swim classes. OK, yes, we called them mommy and me, but we were quick to point out that fathers are also welcome. Because anything moms can do, dads can do, too—except give birth (you guys got off lucky there!).

Of course, we also wrote about lots of stuff kids can enjoy with or without dad in tow, including two new interactive exhibits and fabulous frozen treats.

And that's just a bit of what's going on. Here's what we covered this week on Mommy Poppins in NYC, New Jersey, Long Island and Connecticut.
