Long Island Restaurants Offering Take Out or Delivery for Easter or Passover Meals

Morton's Steakhouse is offering an Easter dinner for two or a steak dinner kit.

All dressed up with nowhere to go for Easter or Passover this year? Social distancing may mean that large family gatherings will be put on hold for Easter brunch and Passover seders this year, but Long Island families can still enjoy a delicious holiday meal from a variety of local restaurants at home. Restaurants are shifting gears for the spring holidays, offering contact-less options for Passover and Easter meals across Long Island. Order ahead and pick up outside or opt for a stoop delivery. Some establishments are even including gifts!

For other family dining options when we're back up and running, see our list of Long Island restaurants where kids can eat free; dining destinations that offer entertainment for kids; and with warmer weather coming, great places to dine outdoors with children.

Easter Brunch or Dinner Delivery: Restaurants near Philly with Takeout Holiday Meals

Stock photo provided by ANEU

Despite social distancing and stay-at-home orders, Philly families can still make the most of the Easter holiday with delicious foods available for pick up or delivery from many restaurants throughout the region. Traditional items such as deviled eggs, hot cross buns, Italian Easter pie, ham, carrots, and chocolate candies are sure to make young and old alike forget about being cooped up for the past month.

We've rounded up 16 area restaurants offering Easter breakfast, brunch, and dinner take-out. Some provide delivery as well. Treat yourself to a wonderful Easter meal from some of the restaurants on our list. Every belly is sure to be satisfied. Best of all, there won't be a pile of dishes in the sink!

At publication time, these restaurants are offering take-out service for Easter Sunday. Since the COVID-19 situation is constantly evolving, please confirm with the restaurant directly to be sure.

Delivery or Take-Out Easter Meals for New Jersey Families

Feast is offering a full menu of options for Easter Sunday.

While this year's Easter celebration won't be the one you hoped for, many New Jersey restaurants are offering families delicious options for a restaurant meal ready for pick up just in time for Easter. We've rounded up 12 New Jersey restaurants that are offering traditional Easter menus that can be picked up or delivered while keeping social distance boundaries. Choose from holiday favorites like ham, turkey, Italian spreads appetizers and desserts, without the stress of cooking and cleaning. Go ahead and place your orders, put on those bonnets, host a backyard egg hunt (decorate the Easter eggs first with our Easy Easter Egg Decorating ideas), FaceTime loved ones and treat your family to the Easter meals they've always looked forward to.

Check out 30+ Activities to Keep Little Ones Busy for more ideas on entertaining the family during the pandemic.

At publication time, these restaurants are offering take-out service for Easter Sunday. Since the COVID-19 situation is constantly evolving, please confirm with the restaurant directly to be sure.

20 Ways Kids and Teens Can Help Others During Coronavirus Outbreak

Kids in Brooklyn leave helpful reminders for neighbors. Photo courtesy of Julia Morrill

Kids love to help, and that's especially true now, as they see and hear stories about coronavirus affecting neighbors, friends, and strangers around the world. Sending inspiring messages, making homemade masks, and gathering important supplies can make children and teens feel more connected, and even spark joy during these dark times. "Children have an intrinsic need to help others, and get true enjoyment from getting involved 'just like' mom and dad," says Alyssa Schlehuber, LCSW, a social worker who counsels patients and families at Boston Children's Hospital.

From planning virtual Easter egg hunts to organizing a food drive, we've collected 20 ways that kids and teens can serve their communities during the coronavirus pandemic. Our Coronavirus Parents' Guide has hundreds more ideas for keeping kids busy and happy at home.

Here's the (Updated!) NYC Public School Calendar for 2019-2020

Photo by Al De Ingeniis

Note: NYC schools are doing remote learning for the rest of the 2019-2020 school year due to COVID-19. We have updates on NYC school news and other impacts on NYC families and educational resources and activities while at home with kids. 

If you've got a child in public school, you live by the school calendar. Many local NYC preschools follow the public school schedule, too. The New York City Department of Education's calendar for the 2019-2020 school year is below, and you'll want to bookmark it now for reference—and to help with planning family vacations and school break camp coverage

As a surprise (and welcome) early holiday present, the Department of Education announced on September 24 that schools will also be closed on Monday, December 23. The previously released version of NYC's school year calendar originally had kids and teachers showing up for a one-day school week on the Monday before Christmas...but happily, that day is now scratched from the official calendar.

With the exception of the occasional unplanned snow day or case of the sniffles, these are all of the dates you can count on your kiddos being out of school during the 2019-2020 school year.

32 Toddler Activities to Keep Little Ones Busy (and Happy) at Home

Have some out-of-this-world fun with our list of favorite toddler activities!

Keeping a toddler occupied and happy day after day is no small feat! Children in this age group rarely stay engaged in one activity for long. But give them pots and pans to bang on, water to splash in, or music to dance to, and, as any parent of a 1 or 2 year old will tell you, toddlers are at their happiest.

So, we've put together a list of toddler activities that will encourage little ones to create, move, learn, and have fun.

For more ideas on how to help kids of all ages have fun playing indoors, check out our At-Home Activities Guide for Parents. Don't be surprised if any of your toddler's older siblings want to join in on the activities below. These ideas are fun for a range of age groups. For ideas to keep your baby occupied, read our 12 Easy DIY Sensory Activities for Babies.

Best Math Apps for Kids

Photo by Annie Spratt/Unsplash

For those of us who are not good at math, we need a little help. I was a straight-C math student all my life. But, if I'd had all the help​ that kids have today? My math story might have turned out a little better! 

Do you know how to teach Common Core math? I sure don't. So I've rounded up fifteen apps that we think will help the kids best learn math and figure out that math homework without making you tear out your hair.

For more math and science fun through hands-on experiments, check out our Guide to Science Experiments for Kids and Fun STEM Activities.
