Weekly Wrap Up: Cool New Shows and Exhibits, Muppet Mania, Where to Play on the Upper West Side

It's been a busy week for us! Over the past seven days, we've reviewed two must-see shows, explored three fabulous new exhibits and rounded up 21 places to play on the Upper West Side. After all of this running around, we're definitely looking forward to resting a bit over the Thanksgiving break next week—once we finish cooking the turkey, of course.

Thanksgiving and the holidays are what's on everyone's minds, so we're furiously overhauling our Holiday Guide with updated info about Christmas tree and menorah lightings, offbeat celebrations and other seasonal fun. We also launched our brand-new, locally focused Holiday Gift Guide this week. We'll be adding a lot of info to both of these guides, so be sure to check back throughout the season.

And that's just a bit of what's going on. Here's what we covered this week on Mommy Poppins in NYC, New Jersey, Long Island and Connecticut, as well as selected stories from our sites in Boston and Los Angeles.

Muppet Mania: 8 Ways to Get Your Muppet On in NYC

Even if you lead a media-challenged life (and if you did, you wouldn't be on this website), you probably know that the new Muppets movie is coming out next week. I can't remember the last time I was so psyched about seeing a film—and not just because I happen to like dressing up as Miss Piggy (yes, that's me in the pic). The Muppets is one of the few family flicks coming out this holiday season that I'm as excited to see as my daughter. (Alvin and the Chipmunks 3... not so much.)

Ever since they came to international fame on Sesame Street, New York City has been the unofficial home of the Muppets. Not only does the iconic PBS series film here in Queens at Astoria Kaufman Studios, its urban set was clearly inspired by the Big Apple, so it's not surprising that we love celebrating the Muppets in this town.

Here are eight fun ways families can get their Muppet on in NYC, besides going to the new movie.

Weekly Wrap Up: Thanksgiving Parade and Balloon Inflation Guide, Puppet Film Festival, Mommy Poppins Moms' Night Out

It's amazing how two days off from school can throw off your family's routine. And it came on the heels of the end of daylight saving time, too.

Even if this week was a little stressful, we've got a lot to look forward to, including this event-filled three-day weekend and Thanksgiving, which is only a few weeks away. Now all we need to do is get through next week's parent-teacher conferences (assuming you have a kid in public elementary school, like I do).

Here's what we covered this week on Mommy Poppins in NYC, New Jersey, Long Island and Connecticut, as well as selected stories from our sites in Boston and Los Angeles.

Weekly Wrap Up: Neighborhood Spotlight on the Upper West Side, Dekalb Market, Chocolate Show

What a scary week! Last Saturday felt like February (can you imagine if that had been a weekday? NYC schools probably would have been closed—heck, Central Park playgrounds are currently shuttered and many suburbs were totally derailed by the storm). Then on Monday, families dressed up in their creepiest costumes to trick-or-treat for Halloween. (That's me and my family dressed in our Addams Family best.) We're still suffering from a bit of a chocolate hangover in our household. Luckily, we've got lots of suggestions about what to do with all of that leftover candy.

Now that October 31 has come and gone, we're starting to turn our attention to the holiday season. Over the next few weeks, we'll be updating our Holiday Fun Guide and adding new posts, too. We're also highlighting a new neighborhood this month: the Upper West Side. So stay tuned for in-depth posts about things to do and places to play in the area.

And that's just a bit of what's going on. Here's what we covered this week on Mommy Poppins in NYC, New Jersey, Long Island and Connecticut, as well as selected stories from our brand-new sites in Boston and Los Angeles.

Weekly Wrap Up: Halloween is Here, Outdoor Ice-Skating Rinks Open, Mystery at AMNH

Does anyone else think Halloween should be a mandatory three-day weekend? Especially with October 31 falling on a Monday. Even though you can get your fill of Halloween parties and costume parades over the weekend, my family still intends to trick-or-treat door-to-door on Monday evening... even though I know we'll pay for it on Tuesday morning.

While Halloween was definitely our theme of the week, we're already looking ahead to winter fun (although we hope we're not as bad as Duane Reade, which has had a Christmas section since, oh, about August). Many outdoor ice-skating rinks open for the season this week, and we reviewed Mystery at the Museum, which is a cool, interactive way to tour the American Museum of Natural History. Remember that when you're entertaining out-of-town holiday guests.

And that's just a bit of what's going on. Here's what we covered this week on Mommy Poppins in NYC, New Jersey, Long Island and Connecticut, as well as selected stories from our brand-new sites in Boston and Los Angeles.

Weekly Wrap Up: Free Halloween Fun, the Last of Our Chinatown Posts, Librarian Book Lists

Got your costumes ready? It seems like all the kids are thinking or talking about these days is October 31. While there are certainly plenty of Halloween happenings throughout the month, we've been writing about lots of other things, too.

For example, the Little Orchestra Society kicks off its new season of classical concerts this weekend, the New Victory has a new show specifically aimed at preschoolers and, of course, you can always find fun at the library. Plus we're looking for a few good writers to join the Mommy Poppins team.

And that's just a bit of what's going on. Here's what we covered this week on Mommy Poppins in NYC, New Jersey, Long Island and Connecticut, as well as selected stories from our brand-new sites in Boston and Los Angeles.

Weekly Wrap Up: Free Halloween Fun, Kids' Day at New York Comic Con, Haunted Pumpkin Garden

Don't be surprised if every single person you see this weekend is in costume. In addition to the numerous Halloween happenings taking place all over NYC, including lots of free festivals, the sixth annual Comic Con at the Javits Center is sure to attract lots of cosplayers (that's geek talk for adults in costume).

This week, we continued our series of posts on Chinatown with a profile of the fabulous Hester Street Playground. We also brought back our Notable News posts, in which we link to articles and items that pique our interest. This edition's got info on families who've joined the Occupy Wall Street ranks and other stories.

And that's just a bit of what's going on. Here's what we covered this week on Mommy Poppins in NYC, New Jersey, Long Island and Connecticut, as well as selected stories from our brand-new sites in Boston and Los Angeles.

Weekly Wrap Up: Bronx Zoo Boo at the Zoo Giveaway, Other Halloween Happenings, Chinatown

We've crossed a few more Halloween updates off our to-do list. If you look at our Halloween Fun Guide, you'll see we now have info on this year's haunted happenings in Westchester, parties and events in Fairfield, Connecticut and a wonderful post about the Bronx Zoo's Boo at the Zoo, which includes a giveaway: four sets of family four-packs to the animal spot. You've got to hurry: We're picking the winners this Monday so enter right away.

Of course Halloween isn't the only game in town. We also updated our post about Columbus Day weekend getaways and staycations just in time for the three-day break, and we took a family walking tour of Chinatown. It's the first in series of posts we are doing on the neighborhood this month.

And that's just a bit of what's going on. Here's what we covered this week on Mommy Poppins in NYC, New Jersey, Long Island and Connecticut, as well as selected stories from our brand-new sites in Boston and Los Angeles.
