News: STEM City? Mini Maker Faires Arrive and Computer Science Push at Schools
Submitted by Jody Mercier on
Good news for budding Makers everywhere: A nationwide series of Mini Maker Faires will arrive in NYC this fall. A partnership between Barnes & Noble and Make: Magazine will bring mini workshops that encourage kids to experiment with technology like robotics and 3D printing to city stores November 6-8.
Of course, don't forget that the massive World Maker Faire kicks off on Saturday, September 26, in Queens at the New York Hall of Science. (It's a Mommy Poppins September GoList and top weekend event pick.)
A weekend workshop is one thing, but Mayor Bill de Blasio wants to make sure NYC kids have access to computer science every day with a new city school initiative. Read on for the scoop on this and other parenting news this week, including Midtown's new food hall and the best ways to navigate city streets during the pope's visit.