Weekday Picks for Connecticut Kids: Zumba, Winter Wonderland, and Basketball Art, January 19-23

Earlier this month we kicked off 2015 with a new feature to help you enjoy even more fun activities with your kids. In addition to our  weekend events round-ups, every Monday we'll share weekday activity picks to enjoy Monday through Friday. We've also added an additional newsletter so our subscribers will get the new weekday events right in their inbox Monday mornings. Not a subscriber? Sign up now!

This week starts off with an extra long weekend and many events across the state to honor Martin Luther King. Then we've rounded up a toddler tour, a little Zumba, a Winter Wonderland, and more! Of course, we have loads of events listed every day in our events calendar so please check it out. If that midweek snow arrives, be sure to check out our guide to Hartford County Sledding Hills. Have fun!

Weekday Picks for Boston Kids: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Tribute Concert, Free Trial Lessons & More January 19-23

This week opens with a day of celebrations in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Be sure to check our MLK Day events post, which lists service opportunities, museum events and concerts – including one of our weekday picks, the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Tribute Concert with the Boston Children's Chorus.

It's also a great time of year to try something new. All week long, the New School of Music is offering free trial lessons for kids and adults. Some other events this week introduce kids to art or nature with fun activities. It's also the perfect time to plan for summer camp. Attending a summer camp fair is a great way to see what's out there, so you might want to stop by the Parent Talk Summer Camp Fair on Tuesday. Read on for our picks of the week, and don't forget to check out the full events calendar!

Weekday Picks for Westchester Kids: Spelling Bee, Stuffed Animal Tea Party, MLK Day and More, January 19-23

The winter months can sometimes feel dreary and uninspiring. But we can't hibernate all season and, honestly, why should we when there are so many fun things to do throughout Westchester? The coming week is chock full of appealing events happening all over town! There are numerous ways to celebrate MLK Day, plus indoor (i.e. warm) activities throughout the week including crafts, performances and more.

This week kicks off with a school holiday and we've got details below on exploring its true meaning with MLK Day Singing Parade and Celebration. Another favorite this week is the return of the Scarsdale Library Spelling Bee, where local contestants test their whits…er, wits…in a friendly competition (last year’s losing word was “mischievous”). If cuteness is what you’re after, the Stuffed Animal Tea Party is surely a good bet.

Read on for our top weekday picks, click through for details and visit our Events Calendar for even more great things to do!

If you haven't already, be sure to sign up for our FREE newsletters to stay up-to-date on the latest news, events and activities throughout Westchester and Lower Hudson Valley.

Weekday Event Picks for NYC Kids: Lionboy at the New Victory, Martin Luther King Day Celebrations, Cheap Off-Broadway Tickets January 19-23

Although there's no school on Martin Luther King Day, there are lots of engaging ways for children to learn about his legacy. And the enriching fun doesn't need to stop once school starts. Our weekday event picks include the debut of Lionboy at the New Victory Theater, a FREE interactive concert by Karen Dekker + Friends at the South Street Seaport, and other awesome family outings.

Although we only highlight one activity per day in this post, you can find plenty of other options in our Event Calendar and Winter Fun Guide.

CSAs for Westchester Families: How to Buy Locally Direct from the Farm

Hard as it might be to believe, deep in the middle of winter is the time to start thinking about next summer’s vegetables, especially if you prefer locally grown produce. Whether you’d like to pick-your-own at one of our local farms, pick up onsite or have fresh veggies delivered right to your door, there is a CSA here in Westchester to suit your family’s style.

If you're not familiar with the term, CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture, and it is a thriving program throughout the Hudson Valley. Now, in the deepest days of winter, farmers all across New York State are planning their crops for next year and CSAs are making it possible for them to plant, tend, harvest and sell small-scale crops directly to the people who want locally raised food.

Read on for more info on CSAs, including details on how to join and participating farms throughout Lower Hudson Valley.  

Kids Can Design, Build, Experiment & More This Summer at Camp Invention

I’m in the process of researching summer camps for my six year-old, and I’ll admit the process can be overwhelming. I want him to have fun—but it would be nice if he could grow up to change the world, too. Swimming, running and playing make for wonderful summer memories, but eight weeks of nothing else could result in some serious summer brain drain.

Enter our sponsor, Camp Invention, and its week of inspiring little beach bums to blossom as inventors. The camp teaches essential STEM concepts to kids entering grades one through six, via creative, hands-on activities—then shows those future Gateses and Jobses how to follow through by partnering with the US Patent & Trademark Office. The curriculum, inspired by ground-breaking inventors, is designed to empower children to be creative thinkers, problem solvers and innovators. And since it's only a week, there's still plenty of summer left for kids to get in all the non-academic stuff they want (and need) to recharge for the upcoming school year.

This Week: Skiing & Snow Tubing Near NYC, MLK Day Weekend Picks, Winter Family Day Trips

Seeing kids all bundled up for the winter puts me in a giddy mood. This morning, I spied a toddler decked out in a full-on Elmo costume to stay warm, and no, he wasn't working Times Square. It's worth pulling out your toastiest coats to enjoy all the seasonal fun winter has to offer. The three-day weekend is a great time to take a day trip to a nearby ski or snow tubing resort. Too cold for you? Our Weekend Trips Guide is filled with indoor options, and our Long Island, New Jersey and Westchester sites provide lots of destination inspiration, like outings in nearby Cold Spring, Lambertville or Old Saybrook.

Martin Luther King Day is also a National Day of Service, and all of our sites have ways families can give back to their communities. Whether you help beautify a local park, prepare care packages for the homeless, or bake treats for your favorite community organization, there are lots of ways to honor his legacy.

Here's what else we covered on the NYC site this week:
