Halloween Events Where Kids Can Trick-or-Treat in Connecticut

Photo by Joe Michael/Mystic Seaport Museum

Where is the best spot to trick-or-treat in Connecticut? That's a tricky one! But we can certainly point you in some fun directions full of treats! To pair with our county-by-county list of great trick-or-treating neighborhoods where lots of costumed kids flock on October 31st, we've assembled a list of community-sponsored trick-or-treating events where kids will be assured plenty of candy and camaraderie.

For more seasonal fun, check out our jam-packed Halloween Guide. Many stores in local towns and villages will likely will be handing out candy in the afternoon on October 31, but as a general rule, trick-or-treating starts at dusk. 

6 Fairfield County Libraries You Don't Want to Miss

Did you know: With your hometown library card and form of ID, Connecticut residents can check out books from public libraries statewide? And libraries are MUCH more than books these days! My kids basically think librarians are superheroes: they can put together a midnight Harry Potter book launch in a single bound! And another bonus, don't forget: libraries are FREE. So what else do you need as a perfect excuse to pile the kids in the car and set the GPS for a library destination less known? We've rounded up some of our favorite libraries that stand out from the pack (though really, we love ALL libraries!) While you are out and about, make a stop at some of our other recommended free and inexpensive destinations in Fairfield County

25 Free and Inexpensive Summer Activities in Fairfield County

I’m no mathematician, but 3 little girls x2 weeks of summer camp x3 weeks of swimming lessons x3 new bathing suits = a whole lot of money.  So I’m on the hunt for summer activities that won’t (further) break the bank.  Happily, there are lots of options here in Fairfield County for summer fun that aren't prohibitively expensive! And, here's a list of 100 free things to do across the state this summer. 

Massive List of Where to Have Breakfast With Santa Locations

It's that time of the year, when the kiddos are ready to whisper their heart's desires in Santa's ear! But dude, standing in line at the mall for 10 seconds of laptime is diabolical! Better to plan ahead for a meet-and-greet with the head Elf himself! These family-friendly holiday events not only give you QT with Santa (and friends!), but serve up enough bacon, pancakes, and hot cocoa to get that winter layer rolling! Tip: These breakfast with Santa events fill up fast! Book now to get the date and time you want. Then hurry back to make more holiday plans with our CT Holiday Fun Guide.

Where to Find Halloween Costumes on a Budget in Fairfield County

Not to panic you, but if you don't start planning your kids' Halloween costumes pretty soon, you know they are going to spend this Halloween as a hobo, like I did most years. My kids always seem to know exactly what they want to be for Halloween -- IN JUNE. But then they completely forget by the time I ask them again in September. And I know better than to wander the aisles of expensive seasonal costume stores with them, trying to explain to an 8-year-old what a "Sexy Trash Monster Costume" is.

After years of experience in costume building, conjuring, finagling, trading, repairing, and trussing, below is my shopping guide for kids Halloween costumes on a budget. Once you get the kids decked out, be sure to make good use of the costumes by pouring over our awesome Connecticut Guide to Halloween

Bring the Kids While You Workout: Gyms With Childcare in Fairfield County

Yes! You've decided to join the gym and you're pumped about getting pumped up. First priority: make sure you join a gym that makes working out convenient. That means: in-gym childcare!

Of course, there are some days when you want to include the kids in a workout. You can always move it with your posse on a favorite local hike or bike ridean outdoor ropes course or other great active trips found in our Fairfield County Guide. I have four kids, and can't always count on getting out of bed at 5:30 a.m. or on my hubs getting home in time for my favorite yoga class. For that reason, I narrowed my gym choices to those fitness facilities that offer childcare in Fairfield County.

Halloween Crazy? 6 Halloween Trips To (Further) Fall in Love with Halloween

Is there a reason for why every Halloween movie is set in New England? YES! Because Halloween in New England is AWESOME!

With its creaky floorboards, leaning gravestones and dank forests, what better place to enjoy the absolute BEST holiday of the year? From the thrill of corn mazes to the terror of haunted houses, there is NO better place in the world than autumn right here! So I say: let's start celebrating starting RIGHT NOW with one of these over-the-top Halloween excursions that take the world's greatest holiday to the next level. For even MORE fun in the autumn sun, check out our complete Halloween and Fall Fun Guide.

The Haddam Neck Fair: Perfect for Families

When my Canadian husband and I moved to Connecticut, we were overwhelmed with the abundance of agricultural fairs and festivals that cap off summer in the nutmeg state. The amount of time, preparation and volunteer power that goes into these longstanding events is a wonder. From the Big E to the neighborhood church carnivals, there are plenty of fairs to choose from across the state. You can’t go to them all, so my recommendation for families with kids is our favorite: the Haddam Neck Fair.
