Weekend Events and Activities for Kids on Long Island, March 5-7

Folklore tells us that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. Let's hope that we get some of that "lamb"-like weather soon! In the meanwhile, here are some indoor activities to keep us occupied. For those who do not mind the brisk outdoor weather, there are ice skating options and an outdoor maple-sugaring class. Enjoy!

Weekend Events for NYC Kids March 5-7: Free Gardening Workshop, St. Patrick's Day Parades, Dr. Seuss' B-Day and More

The first weekend of March is living up to the cliché that the month comes in like a lion, since it is packed with Spring-welcoming holidays Holi and Nokour (don't forget this weekend is the big , colorful Pagwah Festival!); a free children's gardening workshop; a Dr. Seuss Birthday Party; St. Patrick's Day Parades in Queens and Staten Island; and cool crafts, music and museum, and Shakespeare events. Read on and plan your weekend!

Celebrate St. Patrick's Day in Queens

Most commonly known as a drinking holiday, St. Patrick’s Day is usually a time to lock the kids in your house. But not this year! Queens has one of the largest Irish communities in NYC and there are some great parades and classes to look into even before the actual holiday. Here is the skinny:

Cook Your Own Food at a Korean Barbecue Restaurant

One of the really great things about New York CIty is having all these cultures living here together. And by far the most fun way to experience them is through food. From food carts to family friendly restaurants, dining out on ethnic foods is delicious, fun and educational.  

One of my favorite ethnic food experiences, and probably one of the most interesting restaurant experiences for kids is Korean barbecue. Korean barbecue has a couple of things going for it that make it a favorite for both me and kids:

Destination Playground: New Union Square Playground

When I was a little kid we lived near what we called Abingdon Square Park and is now called Bleeker Park, the playground on 7th Avenue in the West Village. It was a great park and the main feature was a giant concrete boat that we would climb on, tunnel under, jump over and in general inspired many imaginative games. The concrete boat is long gone now and I can only imagine that some kid smashing their face into it one too many times hastened its end.

Now most NYC playgrounds look pretty much the same: generic climbing equipment, slides, sometimes swings or a water feature, but a new playground in Union Square definitely breaks the mold for NYC playgrounds.

Theater for Kids on Long Island

There's nothing better than live theater to ignite our childrens' imaginations. Here on Long Island, there are a number of theaters that hold performances geared towards children. Of the productions listed below, several are puppet performances, which are a great way to introduce children to the world of theater.

Using MeetUp.com to Make New Mom and Dad Friends

If I had to give one piece of advice to a new parent in NYC, or anywhere for that matter, it would have nothing to do with stroller choice or sleep schedules. It would be to find a parents group and find it fast.

Being a new mother (or father) in NYC can be surprisingly isolaing. There's people all around, but it's hard to actually meet other new parents and we need that essential support network of mommy and daddy friends here in the city more than anyone. While there are lots of resrources, from community groups to fee-based classes or clubs, what worked wonders for this Manhattan mom was the internet, specifically Meetup.com.

Weekly Reader: Helping Earthquake Victims, City of The Future, Digital Photo Disaster, Muppet Mayhem, More

All the news you missed in print.

While we were busy playing in the snow, the news kept going on around us. Find out the big news stories you may have missed, how to help the vicims of Chile's earthquake, what to do about all your digital photos, the power of touch, the city of the future, a new ice creak shop in Brooklyn, some celebrity news and a fun muppet video.
