Take Me to the River Grassroots Festival: Westchester Music Fest for the Whole Family

If the only concerts you’ve seen recently involved singing dogs, dinosaurs or puppets, maybe it’s time to check out a cool music festival that you will enjoy as much as your kids will. On September 11th, the 3rd Annual Hastings-on-the-Hudson “Take Me To The River” Grassroots Festival hits Draper Park in Westchester. It is an all day event and in addition to the musical grooves celebrating local and nationally acclaimed blues, folk, jazz and alternative musicians, it is also a festival showcasing an array of art, various art installations, and art activities for the kids. And you don’t need a car to get there.

My Awesome Day: Chelsea Galore--Cupcakes, Skateparks, Carousels and More!

We've asked our readers to share their awesome outings with us this summer. We'll be posting the best ones on the blog and one lucky winner will win a Flip Video Camera. Find out more details in our Summer Fun Activity Guide. Summer is coming to a close and so is the contest. We will accept submissions until Labor Day and then announce a winner the following week. So send in your story. We want to know about your awesome day.

Read this submission by Susan Atkinson about her fun day on Goveror's Island.

Things to Do in New York City for Kids & Families for Labor Day Weekend 2010: Festivals, Story Times and Free Museums

How can it be Labor Day weekend already? Seems like we were writing about what to do for Memorial Day Weekend! There is still time to wring the last few drops out of summer before back to school become a reality. There is plenty of fun to be had in The Big Apple and beyond – arts and crafts, a celebration of the new Cat in the Hat cartoon, storytimes, a huge parade and even a unicycle festival.

It is the first weekend of September which means there are a bunch of museum freebies to take advantage of – The Children’s Museum of Manhattan, The Brooklyn Museum and The Queens Museum are among them.  Plus as a Labor Day gift Cooper Hewitt is offering free admission all weekend, too.

I am actually looking forward to back to school. By the end of summer I am usually exhausted from running around for eight weeks and long for a return to a less hectic routine.  If you are planning your child's re-entry to the school year you may be thinking of after school activities like soccer, free after school classes, or programs for special needs kids.  And don’t miss our newly revamped and updated After School Classes Guide to find the best for your little scholar.

Read on to plan a great Labor Day Weekend.  We hope it is a great one.

Labor Day Events in New Jersey!

Labor Day is the unofficial end of summer, an excuse for a big barbecue party, and the day you stop wearing white. But originally it was a creation of the labor movement and dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers who have contributed to the strength, prosperity and well-being of our country. However you wish to honor it, we’ve got some suggestions on how to spend your first Monday of September. Have fun and Hello, Fall!

Our Updated Classes Guide, Back to School and Other News

Is summer really over? Do we have to trade beach towels for backpacks already? I'm reluctantly gearing up, shifting my focus from planning days in the sun to planning afterschool activities, lunches, and routines.

I've spent the last week or so updating our Classes Guide so you should find lots of great information about all kinds of classes for kids in there from Mommy and Me to preschooler classes to classes for big kids. We have a bunch more posts about cool classes coming up in September so keep an eye out for some ideas for what's new and cool in classes this Fall.

Goal! Youth Soccer Leagues in New York City

Soccer has become more and more popular with both boys and girls in New York City and luckily there are plenty of leagues for kids to join. If soccer fever is running high in your house, you may want to consider registering your son or daughter for an outdoor youth soccer league this fall. League play will teach your kids the rules and skills needed for the game. Plus children can experience the camaraderie of being part of a team versus “taking a soccer class”.  Soccer leagues generally start with kids aged 4. The youngest teams aren’t competitive and everyone gets a chance to play.  And youth leagues are easy on the wallet a season runs about $200 and includes a uniform.  No matter where you live in the Big Apple there is a league close by. Check it out.

Things To Do in New York City for Kids and Families - August 28th and August 29th 2010: Boats, Brooklyn, Bees, Tennis and More

This weekend, New York City kids can play tennis, tour a really old boat, catch great live theater and a magic show. Or celebrate their love of reading, honey or the culinary diversity of Brooklyn and check out a re enactment of the largest battle of the revolutionary war (yep, it took place here, in Brooklyn).  If you plan on spending the last few moments of summer in Central Park, check out our recent posts on where to eat and what to do in the park.

Sadly, summer is quickly ticking away but there is still enough time to have an awesome day with your NYC Kid and tell us all about it to be entered to win a Flip in our Awesome Days of Summer contest – plus you can even see your mug grace our home page!

Read on and have a great weekend.

Long Island Weekend Round-Up of Events August 28th-29th

Here we are in the last weekend of August, the last gasp of summer.  Feeling pressure to get out there and do something memorable? Have no fear, we've got some great ways to cap off your summer days. You can revel at the annual Scottish games, celebrate the 68th birthday of the Cold Spring Harbor Whaling Museum, have a massive play date at the Toy Tech Exhibit, or even ride a miniature train at the Riverhead Railroad Festival. Whatever you decide to do, have a great weekend.

