10 Fantastic Face Painters for NJ Kids

Looking for a unique activity to celebrate an upcoming birthday party or other special event? Face painting is a fabulous way to entertain kids and create lasting memories. New Jersey is home to many wonderful artists offering face painting, balloon art and other services—read on for our top ten picks below. And for additional birthday party entertainers and services, visit Mommy Poppins NJ’s Birthday Party Guide.

No-Mess Easter Egg Decorating: Sharpie Easter Egg Designs

Yes, I love decorating Easter eggs and some of my favorite memories are of decorating eggs with my kids, but there have definitely been some years when I hedged a bit wondering if I really had to do the whole dying thing and deal with stained hands and whatever else the dye got onto. Then there were my son's sensory issues which meant he didn't like getting his fingers wet. Some years I tried to short-cut by having them draw with crayons on the eggs, but the crayon colors don't take well to the egg, so they just looked a mess. I wish I'd thought of this method. No mess, no wet, stained fingers...and a teenager will enjoy making these eggs as much as a toddler.

Blue Man Group: A Parent Review

Going to the Blue Man Group performance was the most fun my family has had in ages, and that’s really saying something, because we’ve been doing whole lot of fun springtime activities in Boston lately. During the Blue Man Group show, we laughed until we were blue in the face (ha) and a week later, my kids haven’t stopped talking about how cool it was. Keep reading to find out why we think Blue Man Group is a winner, plus what to expect if you decide to go, things to be aware of when taking your kids, and a few bonus tips. 

Springtime Festivals in Central Connecticut

Spring is finally here! The temperatures are slowly rising, I can hear a chorus of birds chirping and all the beautiful flowers are blooming. After a long cold winter that seemed like it would never end we are all happily ready to welcome this spring season. There’s no better way to greet the season than with a fun springtime festival so here are a few listed in Central CT to get you started.

A Visit to Kids Down on Main Street in Watertown, Connecticut

As a Mom of two high energy, press-all-the-buttons, no-volume-control kids, I am eternally grateful for the few establishments that cater to us. There exist few places where a parent can walk in the door and immediately feel at ease letting their kids roam, explore and press ALL the buttons on everything in the place. A place where no one will tell them to pipe down, slow down, and don't touch that.To find one of those spots in nearby Watertown, CT, well...that's like winning the Momma lottery. Enter, Kids Down on Main Street.

4 Foreign Language Programs for Kids in Lower Westchester

Recently (and out of nowhere) my two-year old daughter proudly announced, “Mommy, gracias means thank you in Spanish!” Being the proud mommy I am, I naturally bragged to my friends and family about her genius. When asked how she learned that phrase I realized she picked it up from an episode of Sesame Street. This got me thinking--if my child picked up a phrase from just one television show, imagine what she might learn from an actual foreign language class?

Kids classes are a great way for kids to learn new skills and make new friends. So why not try a foreign language class? Westchester has terrific options for kids of all ages. We've rounded up 4 learning centers in lower Westchester that offer foreign language immersion through fun-filled activities and exploration.

Read on for more information and start your little ones on a lifelong journey of learning and fun. And be sure to sign up for our FREE newsletter to have all the latest news, events and reviews delivered to your inbox.
