NJ Weekend Events March 27-28: Lots of FREE Fun: Farm Animals, Fishing, Treasure Island and Telescopes!

Rain? Snow? Sun? Who cares?  Whatever the weather this weekend,  New Jersey’s got somethin’ goin on!  Head outdoors to see newly-born farm animals; break out the fishing poles to kick off fishing season at the Trout Hatchery; or collect glow-in-the-dark rocks from a world-famous mineral deposit.  If the weather goes South, head indoors: kids can learn all about Treasure Island and pirates at the Cotsen Children's Library; enjoy African art and crafts at Montclair Arts Museum's free family day; or hunker down in the Liberty Science Center to learn about oceans, chemistry, and the HUBBLE telescope.  Mother Nature, bring it ON!

New at the New Vic: 46 Circus Acts in 45 Minutes

If you think 46 Circus Acts in 45 Minutes is just what it sounds like, you're only half right. Yes, the ticking of an onstage clock makes for a whirlwind of impressive tricks and tumbles. But precision is hardly the name of the game here, and the time piece is forgotten almost as soon as it is introduced. All eyes are on the Australian ensemble, Darcy, Louie and the Emmas—yes, there are two of them— who infuse the show with cheeky charm and slapstick antics that appeal to all ages.

PlayDate March 23: New Brooklyn Playground, Hubble IMAX at LSC, Free Goodies, Viking Ship in Times Square, Food Revolution, More

What's happening in NYC this week for kids? There's new playground in Brooklyn, a new IMAX space show at the Liberty Science Center, a viking ship has docked in Times Square, and for parents, a revealing new TV series about the food our kids are eating. Plus it's free cone day at Ben and Jerry's and free pastries at Starbucks today only. Get the scoop!

Opening this week:


Viewing Tips for NYC Elephant March 2010

Staying up late and seeing the annual Ringling Brothers' elephants exit The Midtown Tunnel is a fairly exciting event for city kids--afterall it's not every day you see pachyderms parading down 34th Street in the middle of the night to herald the Spring opening of the circus. No secret there.

But we do have some tips on seeing the elephants this year:

Weekend Events on Long Island: March 19-21

 We still have a little time left before the Easter festivities are upon us, yet there is no shortage of family events going on this weekend.  There is everything from a "Science Studio" in which children can participate in hands-on experiments to a wonderful workshop where kids can make a unique Spring Centerpiece.  Enjoy!

Free Weekend Events in New York City for Kids, March 20-21

We live in a great big city full of exciting and interesting things to do.  And this weekend is no different; it will be a weekend that reminds you why you love it here and why the kids should, too. Start off with the Children’s Museum of Manhattan's free day . If you 've bever been – admission is free on Saturday – and there are a lot of special activities planned. You could also take the 7 to Queens and visit the Math Midway at the NY Hall of Science or get your brood to Prospect Park for a family bike ride that is sure to be lots of fun.

There are also lots of great performances this weekend. On Saturday there is a choice of two classics, Shakespeare in midtown or Mozart on the Upper West Side. Or you can relive a favorite from your childhood on Sunday with the fun and funky Paper Bag Players in a show uptown.  If you are looking to catch some tunes, head to Midtown for a concert at the Turtle Bay Music School, or to SoHo for a rocking good time at The Housing Works Bookstore and Café.

But wait, there's more: a new green library in Battery Park City, unique story telling events, fun for older kids, tons of Easter Egg hunts and events for Passover.  And, who says New York City has to be expensive, the best part of this weekend – most of it is all free. Read on for lots more events. And, enjoy!

Brand Spankin' New: Battery Park City Public Library

A new public library branch opened in Battery Park City this week and is holding opening celebrations today. March 18, 2010. Besides being a beautiful, light and spacious facility, the new Battery Park City NYPL branch was constructed with a focus on environmental sustainability and will be the first GREEN Library in Manhattan.


NYC DOE Bake Sale Bungle, or Why I Am Not Writing About The Bake-In Rally at City Hall

A few people have asked me to write about the Bake-In Rally that parents are organizing at City Hall on Thursday, March 18th. While I like taking a good jab at the NYC DOE as much as the next guy, I'm pointing my elbows at a slightly different target this time.

Recently, there have been several cases of parents getting up in arms over issues spawned by headlines that seem to be written for the sole purpose of provoking us...and us falling for it. And, thanks to yet another misleading NY Times headline, many parents have been riled up again, in this case, to believe that not only are they not allowed to sell home baked goods at school bake sales, but that they are required to sell packaged goods like Frito Lay products and Pop Tarts. This is just not the case.
