Yesterday we posted about 10 great pop-up shops where you can purchase offbeat holiday gifts this season. But at the 3DEA pop-up gallery, which just opened last week, you don't buy products, you see how easy it is to design and then print out your own creations using 3D modeling software and 3D printers.
Sound like something out of a sci-fi flick? Well it's not. I first heard about 3D printers at Maker Faire and initially I had a hard time wrapping my brain around the concept. But then I watched a 3D printer literally print out a pair of earrings, and it all made sense. At 3DEA, which is open through Sunday, January 13, you can check out a wide variety of products made via 3D printers (jewelry, clothing, accessories, toys, even furniture), play with 3D modeling software, print out simple 3D objects and even take classes with pros in the field to learn how this phenomenon may transform the retail industry. And guess who seems to take to this new technology best? Why kids of course.